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25일, 슬림코리아네트워크 창립식 개최

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2010.09.07 15:09:43

The rest, as they say is history. buy designer handbags collections gained a growing popularity, also for the controversy they often raised and became a living legend in the world of fashion and design. He was the first in fashion in many things, but perhaps the he is most remembered for having launched the first ready-to-wear collection in 1966. The original fashion house no longer exists, but the brand, owned by Louis Vuitton, and all its products are still alive. And cheap designer bags are getting warmly welcome and have been an essential accessory for any occasion.In 1989 the YLS group was listed in the stock market, and was sold in 1994 to pharmaceuticals company Sanofi, and then to the Italian fashion company Louis Vuitton Sale in 1999. Yves Saint Laurent remained as high fashion designer, but he soon realized that it was time to leave the world of fashion, which he did in 2002. He died of a brain tumor in his house in Paris on 1 June 2008. One of the most well-known brands in the Cheap Handbags world is Coach. Both men and women recognize the Coach logo and millions continue to support cheap wholesale handbags season after season. designer bags are one style of the designer handbags at discount prices. This designer handbags on sale features with inside zip pocket, ring to clip an accessory or keyfob, signature jacquard fabric with lightweight leather, umlock etail, four protective metal feet at bottom, leather strap with dogleash clip and cell phone multifunction pockets. Not just simple leather, the designer handbags purses are given different finishes for optimum dimension and appeal, including fresh color blocking, embossed exotics, and rich glazed leather. Now, most the Luis Vuitton are on hot sale on our shop!This designer handbags with dark coffee Italian buffalo leather, brass logo hardware, YSL logo lock & keys, double YSL logo lampo zippers, and brown satin lining, double handles with a 7.5" drop. And the key is this is one of high replica purses, which is with the same high quality as the true brand but the lower price. YSL replica purses have come to mean nothing short of excellence in the world of design. These designer replica handbags tap into that excellence. Come to our store, where replica purses are treated like artwork, these replica discount authentic designer handbags match the originals in every way but the price. With all the refined elegance that discount designer bags are known all over the world. handbags on sale as an accessory have being fashionable, women love it very much. real designer handbags are usually associated with the actual designers so popular designers usually have distinct products. Replica Jimmy Choo red full Leather shoulder replica handbags indeed is one of the best options. This wholesale designer handbags is made of rich suede and smooth leather both in the same riotous shade of red. And it has convenient center front zippered gusset and edgy exposed-zip pockets. At the same time, it has high-quality, but with some personal characters.Hermes replica purses are wholesale handbags and purses that are known for their quality and design. When they come to designer purses, theres Chanel and Prada, Fendi and Ferragamo,but the wholesale handbags stand alone, prominently on a pedestal of definitive grace and grandeur. Hermes is the designer behind the much sought after Anya Hindmarch handbags, a Armani handbags that celebrities simply itch to possess. The brand and the quality makes it a popular designers item for which women, especially those who live in luxury, tends to own one. Some rich women even collect designer items other than Balenciaga handbags.You do not have to wait when you want to pick your Coach Wallets in a clearance sale. In our store, large range of wholesale Bally handbags are available for you! You do not have to pay exorbitant prices for your keen Bottega Veneta handbags. Burberry handbags are really irresistible. But unfortunately, not all of us can afford these original Cartier handbags. However, this does not mean that we cannot keep up to the latest fashion trends. In other hand, buy the rChanel Wallets with almost the same quality as the real ones. If you are interested in buying these replica purses, just come to our on line store and have a look, then you will find the best Celine handbags with best price.The Fendi purse was one of the biggest Chanel handbags of it Chloe handbags history. Those days have come and gone, for the most part, and now the designer Christian Dior handbags are sought after that have stay power rather than float our boat for 2 weeks. I still own and sometimes use my Coach handbags. It is a stunning stylish and I adore it. But the Dolce&Gabbana handbags had such a huge high that now many think it has hit a low. I am not quite part of the many, but I do enjoy seeing some of the Fendi handbags atrocities that Fendi designs season after season.But a very simple change can work out well, as seen on the Ferragamo handbags. This Giverchy handbags is certain simplicity, with the change being the material re-configured in horsehair cloth and leather. There is the famous hidden coin purse, double top handles, and rolled cowhide with the handles. The lining is made of the rustic cotton canvas. And the top zipper closure, Fendi logo on the side. The Gucci handbags can hand-held or carry on the shoulder. It is worth for buying the hermes handbags!The brand name of Fendi came into existence over many hundred years by a wife and husband. The couple started with making and designing of leather goods and items of fur. Their business took pace and the results can be seen till today. Fendi is popular with other products also such as dresses, shoes, fragrances, coats and Louis Vuitton Ties. But the Jimmy Choo handbags are high in demand for their exclusive looks and graceful appeal. This makes many women wait for the latest collection of Juicy Couture handbags each season. It is quite obvious that any designer Kooba handbags carry a price tag of hundreds and thousands of dollars and not everybody find it easy to afford one.For them, there are number of options available. One of the unique options is of either buying Lancel handbags or renting these Loewe handbags. There are varied businesses popping up these days that offer Louis Vuitton handbags on rentals. And if you dont wish to go for these two options, then you may choose to purchase a Luella handbags or other at a discounted rate. With varied Replica Louis Vuitton on line, we provide you the best quality products. The Marc Jacobos handbags ordered are delivered to the place and are available at highly competitive prices.A recent trend that has taken off is with Replica Hermes. No matter where you go, you are bound to see someone carrying around a Miumiu handbags. These Marni handbags are made with great care and that care is reflected in the price. For those out there who do not or can not afford the price of a Mulberry handbags, there is an alternative with replicas. The only trouble is knowing where to find Prada handbags
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